Speeder's Console

Speeder's console is the default white window with black text, the one displaying Speeder's version and other game info. You can customize its appearance in config.txt on line 44, changing things such as font size & color, the width and height of the window, background color, etc. Each setting should be separated by the "|" character and follows a predetermined order:

  • Console width.
  • Console height.
  • Console font size.
  • Console number of lines (i.e., the amount of text to show).
  • Console background color.
  • Console font color.
  • Console X position.
  • Console Y position.
  • Console transparency. "1" enables transparency. "0" disables it. Note that a transparent console window cannot be clicked on, so if you want to input text into the console, you must select the window from the taskbar.


How Does the Console Window Work?

To avoid detection via strings, the text on the console does not actually "exist." It is painted onto the GUI and deleted. Although this is great for avoiding detection, it does have some limitations, such as not being able to highlight text, although I am working on this.

Scrolling is possible via your mouse's scroll wheel or touchpad. You can also use PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN to scroll up and down respectively.

To type console commands into the console, simply click on the console and start typing.

You can paste text into the console the same way you would any other program.

You can copy individual words or numbers from the console by right-clicking them in the console window.

You can copy text from the console the same way you would any other program. However, you will not see the selected text, and you can only copy text from a single line at a time.

You can use the up arrow key to repeat your previous command.

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