Throne and Liberty Wrath Attack Detection Added

Speeder can now detect wrath attacks and distinguish them from fury attacks. All you have to do is change the "is fury or wrath" parameter to 2 to detect wrath attacks, and the auto-dodge macro is pretty much the same as the auto-block one. The only other difference is having to press a movement key for the roll. I have updated the example macros with a new auto-dodge macro.

The -displayaid command has been updated to show wrath attacks. Note that some fury attacks also have the wrath byte set to 1, so what I have done is only check for wrath attacks if the fury byte is 0.

I have added a new -dump command that allows you to see all the bytes for your current target's attack:

  • -dump [data type] — Speeder will continuously dump the attack data from your current target to filenames corresponding to attack IDs until the -dump command is used a second time. For example, if your target uses the attack 123456, Speeder will create the file 123456.txt and output all the attack data to this file (for that specific attack). If you'd like to help me out detecting fury/wrath attacks, you can use these files to try to find relevant bytes. "Data type" can be 1 for bytes, 4 for 4 bytes, or 5 for floats. Usually 4 bytes is fine, and you will want to look for bytes changing from 0 to 1. Example:
    • -dump 4

These changes require Speeder version 141+.

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speeder Computer Programmer
I develop undetected cheats, hacks, and bots for online games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Throne and Liberty, Black Desert Online, Lost Ark, Path of Exile, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, PSO2: New Genesis, Diablo IV, Fortnite, and others.
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