Speeder can now display all nearby mobs, players, and objects on the screen, with the potential to display minutia such as equipped weapons, attack IDs, status effects, etc. For now, the ESP will just display the name of the entity. The ESP is activated via line 30 in config.txt:
- Line 30) Settings for the ESP. Each setting should be separated with the "|" character, such as 1|2|3|4. The ESP can be closed (and reopened) by using the -esp console command. The order of the settings is:
- Total number of entities to display.
- Font size.
- Mob color.
- Player color.
- Show mobs: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
- Show players: 2 to show enemy players only (i.e., players not ignored by the "ign" command), 1 to show all players, 0 to show none.
- Field of view: This is the number Speeder uses to transform game coordinates to screen coordinates and refers to the in-game camera's field of view. In general, field of view should always be set to 50, but if the ESP text is not aligning with entities correctly, you can fix that by adjusting this setting.
- Refresh rate: How often (in milliseconds) Speeder should update the ESP.
- Example:
100|15|255|60000|1|1|50|50 - If you do not wish to use the ESP, simply leave the line blank.
The radar display has been improved significantly.
These changes require updating Speeder to version 86.