It is now possible to universally adjust all your auto-block timers with the following config.txt line:
- Line 43) A modifier you would like applied to all of the auto-block commands' (e.g., "tatt," "matt," "patt") "time" parameter. Very simply, Speeder takes the number on this line and adds it to the "time" parameter. For example, if you set this line to 100 and are using
as your auto-block command, the "300" parameter will become 400. This allows you to universally modify your auto-block commands in case your ping changes. Negative numbers work as well.
The following data retrieval commands have been added:
- "get % target" — The following global variables will be populated: TX (target's x coordinate), TY (target's y coordinate), TZ (target's z coordinate), TD (target's distance), TN (target's name), TID (target's ID), TT (target's target), TTN (name of target's target).
- "get % entity,[name]" — Speeder will search for all entities with names matching "name." The closest will be selected and used to populate the following variables: EX (entity's x coordinates), EY (entity's y coordinate), EZ (entity's z coordinate), ED (entity's distance).
The -dump command has been fixed so that the attack ID files will be saved to the same folder as config.txt.
These changes require Speeder version 142+.