Throne and Liberty Status Effect Detection, Entity Filtering, Distance & Pixel Commands

The following macro/waymark commands have been added:

  • “pse[status effect ID]” — If the status effect with the ID “status effect ID” is currently active on your character, the rest of the keys line will process. Status effect IDs can be discerned in the console. The inverse is possible with "!pse." Example:
    • keys=pse947965662|dbg % counter barrier is active!
  • “td[distance]” — If your current target is closer than “distance,” the rest of the keys line will process. The inverse is possible with "!td." Example:
    • keys=td2000|dbg % my target is closer than 2000 distance!
  • “gp[x],[y],[color],[precision] — If the pixel color on your screen at x,y matches “color,” the rest of the keys will process. The inverse is possible by using “!gp”. Use the -gpc console command to retrieve pixel colors. “Precision” is how close you want the current pixel color to be to “color.” All colors can be broken into RBG combinations with each color (i.e., red, blue, or green) having a possible value between 0 and 255. What “precision” does is compare the absolute value of the individual colors. For example, if I have a precision of 10 and am checking for a color with a red value of 40, the current red color must be between 30 and 50. The same logic is applied to green and blue. A precision of 0 means the color must match exactly.

The following console command has been added:

  • -gpc — Speeder will display the current pixel color at your cursor’s position and copy it to the clipboard. If you are using the “gp” command, please make sure to use the cursor coordinates provided by this command and not -mp as they are adjusted for monitor scaling.

The following line has been added to config.txt:

  • Line 19) A list of entity names you would like Speeder to ignore. This can be used to prevent Speeder from targeting specific mobs/NPCs. Separate each entity name with the “|” character, such as Resistance Solder|Practice Dummy|etc.

These additions require updating Speeder to version 6. The latest version can be found by clicking the "MEGA Folder" button in Launcher.

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speeder Computer Programmer
I develop undetected cheats, hacks, and bots for online games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Throne and Liberty, Black Desert Online, Lost Ark, Path of Exile, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, PSO2: New Genesis, Diablo IV, Fortnite, and others.
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