I've added a script command that can help with targeting enemy players in PvP:
- "tcc[type],[screen distance],[game distance]" — The entity closest to your cursor matching "type" will be targeted. "Type" can be 0 for any entity, 1 for mobs, 2 for enemy players, 3 for allied players, or 4 for objects. "Screen distance" is the maximum-allowed pixel distance between the entity on the screen and your cursor. "Game distance" is the maximum-allowed distance between the entity and your character. Setting either "screen distance" or "game distance" to 0 will cause Speeder to consider any distance. This command can make targeting easier in PvP as it allows you to differentiate between ally and enemy players. Example:
- [113]
keys=tcc2,0,4000|dbg % found target
repeat=0 - Press F2 to target the enemy player closest to the cursor within 4000 game distance.
- [113]
This addition requires Speeder version 156+.