The following script command has been added:
- "get % tse,[status effect ID],[variable]" — The current stack count and duration of the status effect with an ID of "status effect ID" for your current target will be placed into "variable"_STACKS and "variable"_DURATION. For example, if you set "variable" to STATUS, the stack count will be placed into STATUS_STACKS, and the duration will be placed into STATUS_DURATION. DURATION is the number of milliseconds remaining for the status effect. If the status effect is not present on your current target, both STACKS and DURATION will be 0. By default, this command only checks for status effects you inflict. Example:
- keys=get % tse,944317912,STRAFE|!eq % STRAFE_DURATION,0|dbg % my target has (VAR % STRAFE_STACKS) stacks of Strafing
The "wfa" script command can now check whether you are targeting something and immediately stop waiting if you do not have a target.
These changes require Speeder version 138+.