If using fish "type" as a criterion, Speeder will delay canceling the cast until the current fish type is known. This occurs once the fish bites, so you will lose your bait if you choose to do this. I have updated the guide with relevant settings for the bot.
The following script command has been added:
- "wfa[attack ID],[timeout]" — Speeder will wait until you perform a new attack with an ID matching "attack ID." If you are in the middle of an attack with an ID of 968449552 and use "wfa968449552," the command will NOT return true because it only detects new attacks from the moment the command is called. This allows you to more easily script abilities requiring multiple key presses. "Timeout" is optional and is the number of milliseconds to wait before assuming the attack has failed (so that the script doesn't get stuck). If not supplied, "timeout" defaults to 5000. Example:
- keys=ch1|49d|wfa968449552|49u|s100|49d|wfa968449552|49u|s100|49d|wfa968449552|49u
- This example will press the "1" key to activate the ability 968449552 three times.
Setting "active" to 1 for the "ch" command will now work again.
These changes require Speeder version 137+.