The following macro/waymark commands have been added or adjusted:
- "ign[-][distance]" — All players not currently within "distance" (i.e., at the time of using this command) will be considered enemies. All players within "distance" will be considered friendlies. This command is meant to be used before the "tcp" and "patt" commands, which will allow you, respectively, to target or block only enemies. If a minus sign is included instead of "distance," the list of friendly players will be cleared, and everyone will be considered an enemy again. Example:
- [113]
keys=!eq % listActive,1|ign10000|dbg % nearby players now considered friendlies|store % listActive,1|gt3
keys2=store % listActive,0|ign-|dbg % friendlies list cleared
repeat=0 - Press F2 to toggle friendlies on/off.
- [113]
- "tcp[*][max distance],[max height],[type]" — Similar to "tcm" but targets only players and can differentiate between friendly players and enemy players with the help of the "ign" command. "Max distance" and "max height" function the same as "tcm." "Type" can be 0 for any player, 1 for an enemy player, and 2 for a friendly player. Please note that you must use the "ign" command before differentiation between enemies and friendlies will work. Example:
- [113]
keys=ign10000|dbg % all players not currently within 10000 distance will now be considered enemies
repeat=0 - [114]
keys=tcp*2000,2000,1|dbg % targeting the closest enemy player within 2000 distance
repeat=0 - Press F2 when you are surrounded by your teammates to correctly differentiate enemy players.
Press F3 to target the closest enemy player within 2000 distance.
- [113]
- "patt[attack ID],[is charging],[time],[distance],[direction],[is enemy]" — Exactly the same as "matt" but will trigger for any nearby player, with the option of triggering only for enemy players. Enemy players can only be detected if the "ign" command is used at some point before this command. Please see Example_Macro_File.ini for a good PvP macro. Here is the brief version:
- keys=patt0,0,300,1000,45,1|81|dbg % blocking any attack from any enemy player facing me within 1000 distance
These changes require updating Speeder to version 45.