Throne and Liberty Check Players' HP, Auto-Block, & More

The following macro/waymark commands have been added:

  • “cphp[percent],[distance]” — If there is a player within “distance” with HP less than or equal to “percent,” the rest of the keys line will process. The inverse is possible with “!cphp.” “Percent” should be a decimal between 0 and 1.0 with 0.5 equal to 50%. Example:
    • keys=cphp0.5,2000|dbg % there is at least one player with HP less than half nearby
  • “cmhp[percent],[distance]” — If there is a mob within “distance” with HP less than or equal to “percent,” the rest of the keys line will process. The inverse is possible with “!cmhp.” “Percent” should be a decimal between 0 and 1.0 with 0.5 equal to 50%. Example:
    • keys=cmhp0.5,2000|dbg % there is at least one mob with HP less than half nearby
  • “tphp[*][distance],[max height]” — Speeder will target the player with the lowest amount of HP within “distance” and no farther than “max height” below or above you. If you include an asterisk, the camera will also be rotated toward the player. Example:
    • keys=tphp*2000|dbg % targeting and moving the camera toward the player with the lowest HP
  • “tatt[attack ID],[is charging],[wait time]” — If your current target’s attack matches “attack ID,” is a charge attack, and has “wait time” remaining before the attack fires, the rest of the keys line will process. “Attack ID” can be set to 0 to trigger for all attacks. You can use the -target or the -allmobs console command to retrieve attack IDs. “Is charging” can be 0 or 1. If 1, only charge attacks will be checked. “Wait time” is the remaining difference (in milliseconds) between the actual completion of the attack and the current time (i.e., how much time remains before the attack fires). This command may sound complicated, but you will probably only need to use tatt0,1,300 for most things. (Use block within 300 milliseconds of any charge attack.) Example:
    • [113]
      endkeys=dbg % stopped
    • Press F2, and Speeder will automatically execute a perfect block on any charge attack from your current target.
  • “matt[attack ID],[is charging],[wait time]” — Exactly the same as the “tatt” command above but will trigger for ANY mob, not just your current target.

The -cl console command will now populate the global variables PLAYERX, PLAYERY, and PLAYERZ. These variables can be used in your macros and waymarks. Along with this, the following console command has been added:

  • -t* x, y, z — Instantly teleports your character to x, y, z. I believe this command is most useful in a macro to move your character relative to his/her current position.
    • [113]
      keys=cc % -cl|dbg % player coord: (VAR % PLAYERX), (VAR % PLAYERY), (VAR % PLAYERZ)
      keys2=eq % newY,0|store % newY,(VAR % PLAYERY)|add % newY,400.0|dbg % newY = (VAR % newY)
      keys3=cc % -t* (VAR % PLAYERX),(VAR % newY),(VAR % PLAYERZ)
      endkeys=store % newY,0
    • Press F2 to continuously teleport yourself into the air.

These additions require updating Speeder to version 15. The latest version can be found by clicking the MEGA Folder button in Launcher.

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speeder Computer Programmer
I develop undetected cheats, hacks, and bots for online games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Throne and Liberty, Black Desert Online, Lost Ark, Path of Exile, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, PSO2: New Genesis, Diablo IV, Fortnite, and others.
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