The following script commands have been added if you would like to calculate distance manually:
- "dist % [variable name],[x],[z],[x2],[z2]" — The two-dimensional distance between x,z and x2,z2 will be stored in "variable name." Example:
- keys=dist % distance,3,4,0,0|dbg % "distance" should now be equal to 5: (VAR % distance)
- "dist % [variable name],[x],[y],[z],[x2],[y2],[z2]" — The three-dimensional distance between x,y,z and x2,y2,z2 will be stored in "variable name."
An issue where a blank string could cause a crash has been resolved.
The data type for fish size has been changed from 2 bytes to 1 byte, so you should no longer see inconsistent fish sizes.
These changes require Speeder version 145+.