The "itp*" (is targeting enemy player) command has been fixed.
An issue with the "cphp" (check party HP) has been partially resolved via a new macro. This new macro moves the cursor rather than pressing the party member keybinds. This ensures that the correct party member is always targeted because the cursor position is static. You can find the macro here: Party Healing Macro – Macros – Speeder Cheats Forum, and I have added it to the example file as well.
To improve the above macro, I've added a new command to retrieve cursor position:
- "get % mp" — Populates the global variables MX and MY with the cursor's position. This can be useful for returning the cursor to its original position. Example:
- keys=get % mp|m100,200|s1000|m(VAR % MX),(VAR % MY)
- In this example, the cursor will move to 100,200, pause for 1000 milliseconds, and move back to its original position.
The "ctnp" (check target nearby players) command can now include an asterisk to check for enemy players:
- "ctnp[*][number of players],[distance from player]" — Exactly the same as "ctnm" but checks for players instead of mobs. If an asterisk is included, such as "ctnp*", only players outside your party (i.e. potential enemies) will be checked.
These changes require Speeder version 104.