I'm very happy with these new targeting commands, which basically allow for Speeder to auto-target and kill everything around you. Check out the new macro I've added to Example_Macro_File.ini.
The following new macro/waymark commands have been added:
- “it” — If you are currently targeting a mob, the rest of the keys line will process. The inverse is possible with “!it.”
- “cnm[number of mobs],[distance]” — If there are “number of mobs” within “distance,” the rest of the keys line will process. This can be useful for detecting any nearby mobs to attack. Example:
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keys3=ch1,0.5|ct % wait|49|dbg % slot1|st % wait,300
keys4=ch2,0.5|ct % wait|50|dbg % slot2|st % wait,300
keys5=ch3,0.5|ct % wait|51|dbg % slot3|st % wait,300
keys6=ch4,0.5|ct % wait|52|dbg % slot4|st % wait,300
keys7=ch5,0.5|ct % wait|53|dbg % slot5|st % wait,300
keys8=ch6,0.5|ct % wait|54|dbg % slot6|st % wait,300
endkeys=dbg % stopped - Press F2, and you will automatically attack any nearby mobs within 2000 distance. This macro is included in Example_Macro_File.ini.
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- “tcm[*][max distance]” — Speeder will target the mob closest to you as long as it is closer than “max distance.” If you include an asterisk, the camera will also be rotated toward the mob (i.e., Speeder will lock you onto the mob). See the above example macro. Another example:
- keys=tcm*2000|dbg % targeting and moving the camera toward the closest mob
- “tmhp[*][distance]” — Speeder will target the mob with the lowest amount of HP within “distance.” If you include an asterisk, the camera will also be rotated toward the mob. Example:
- keys=tmhp*2000|dbg % targeting and moving the camera toward the mob with the lowest HP
- “tct” — Speeder will rotate the camera toward your current target. You can use this to “lock on” if you’d like. Example:
- [113]
repeat=2 - Press F2 to lock on to your current target
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- “tpt[*]” — Speeder will target your previous target if you are not currently targeting anything. If you include an asterisk, the camera will be rotated toward this target.
- “cthp[HP percent]” — If your current target’s HP is less than or equal to “HP percent,” the rest of the keys line will process. “HP percent” should be written as a decimal between 0 and 1.0 with 0.5 being equal to 50%. The inverse is possible with “!cthp.” Example:
- keys=cthp0.5|dbg % my target’s HP is less than or equal to 50%
These additions require updating Speeder to version 2. The latest version can be found by clicking the "MEGA Folder" button in Launcher.