Speeder's auto-block commands can now contain a "variable" parameter that allows you to see the attack being blocked. This is the new final parameter for all the auto-block commands. For example, the order of the parameters for the "matt" command is now
matt[attack ID],[is fury],[time],[distance],[direction],[check target],[variable]
When the command triggers, the attack ID of the attack triggering the command will be placed into the global variable "variable." For example:
keys=matt0,1,300,0,-1,1,abilityid|81d|dbg % blocking (VAR % abilityid)
In this way, you can use a single auto-block command for everything and, if needed, use "variable" to react differently to different attacks.
It is now possible to assign macros to the "scroll up" or "scroll down" action on the mouse. Use "256" for your macro key for "scroll up" and "257" for your macro key for "scroll down." I'm going to make my own virtual key code table soon and will add it to the guide (with the new scroll keys).
These changes require Speeder version 146+.