Scan Results Window

The Scan Results Window is where you can see the results of the most recent memory scan. It is usually activated via the -display console command.

speeder scanner scan results window


You can customize the Scan Results Window's appearance in config.txt on line 2, changing things such as font size & color, the width and height of the window, background color, etc. Each setting should be separated by the "|" character and follows a predetermined order:

  • Window width.
  • Window height.
  • Window font size.
  • Number of lines (i.e., the amount of text to show).
  • Window background color.
  • Window font color.
  • Window X position.
  • Window Y position.
  • Window transparency. "1" enables transparency. "0" disables it. Note that a transparent console window cannot be clicked on, so if you want to input text into the console, you must select the window from the taskbar.



  • Right-clicking on any address will immediately add it to the clipboard.
  • Holding down left CTRL and right-clicking on any address will delete it from the window.
  • Left-clicking on any address will add it to your saved addresses list.
  • Holding down left CTRL and left-clicking on any address will write whatever value you set with the "qwrite" console command to that address. That address will also be added to your saved addresses list.
  • The data type displayed can be adjusted with the "display" console command (regardless of the data type searched for).
  • Scrolling via the mouse is possible, as well as PAGE UP & PAGE DOWN.
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