Here is the script shown in the video for Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds. The same concept will work for any game with a value you'd like to change via a multiplier.
speedOffsets=0 110 98
xoffsets=0 110 300 1f0
keys=addr -a (VAR % ptr) -b -v msAddr -o 0 a0 288 18c
keys2=cmp -l (VAR % msAddr) -g 10000 -h|goto *
keys3=read -a (VAR % msAddr) -v currentMS -t float
keys4=eq -v prevMS -w (VAR % currentMS)|goto *
keys5=store -v origMS -w (VAR % currentMS)
keys6=mul -v currentMS -w (VAR % movementSpeed)
keys7=store -v prevMS -w (VAR % currentMS)
keys8=write -a (VAR % msAddr) -w (VAR % currentMS) -t float|dbg Writing MS (VAR % currentMS) to (VAR % msAddr)
keys9=sleep 100
endkeys=write -a (VAR % msAddr) -w (VAR % origMS) -t float|dbg Writing original MS (VAR % origMS) to (VAR % msAddr)
Here is an example of the "fly" hack command:
Retrieve player coordinate addresses
keys=addr -a (VAR % speedptr) -b -v xAddr -o (VAR % xoffsets)|store -v yAddr -w (VAR % xAddr)|store -v zAddr -w (VAR % xAddr)
Add 8 to get the Y address and 4 to get the Z address (this varies by game). The Y address should be your height (your up/down position).
keys2=add -v yAddr -h -w 8|add -v zAddr -h -w 4
Read camera yaw and pitch. In this particular game, the yaw and pitch were static addresses and did not require offsets.
keys3=read -a (VAR % camerayawptr) -t float -b -v yaw
keys4=read -a (VAR % camerapitchptr) -t float -b -v pitch
Perform the fly hack with a speed of 10. In this particular game, the camera yaw and pitch were in degrees.
keys5=fly -x (VAR % xAddr) -y (VAR % yAddr) -z (VAR % zAddr) -p (VAR % pitch) -cy (VAR % yaw) -d -s 10