The teleport hack for DragonNest SEA Classic ended up being an extremely effective movement speed hack as well. I have updated the script for DragonNest in the Marketplace. WAD keys will activate it by default. It will look as though you are running but extremely quickly. Be aware that you can run through walls.
Additional arguments have been added to the "fly" script command:
- fly
Arguments (required):
[-x coordinate address] [-y coordinate address] [-z coordinate address]
[-p camera pitch value (radians)] [-cy camera yaw value (radians)] [-s speed]
Arguments (optional): [-d] [-n] [-cyo yaw offset (radians)] [-t]
Description: Your character in the game will be teleported forward in the direction of the camera.
The -x, -y, and -z arguments should be the addresses for your player's position in the game world, not the actual x,y,z values.
Conversely, the -p and -cy arguments should be the values and not the addresses. This is so you can adjust the camera values if needed (sometimes the pitch needs to be inverted, for example).
If -d is supplied, Speeder will treat the camera values as degrees and not radians.
If -n is supplied, Speeder will treat the yaw and the pitch as normalized vectors (from -1.0 to 1.0). In this case, you will need to supply two values for the -cy argument (the camera's rotation along the X and Z). Many 3D games, if not all, use normalized vectors to represent the camera's rotation along the three axes. Find three float or double values between -1.0 and 1.0 that all change when the camera moves, and you're in business.
If supplied, the -cyo argument will add "yaw offset" to the final calculated yaw. Often, the camera's rotation does not perfectly align with what is considered "forward" motion. For example, if you activate the "fly" command and your character moves to the left when it should move forward, you will want to use -cyo to correct this. Usually, you will want a "yaw offset" of 1.57 or -1.57. (If you use -1.57, be sure to place it in quotes; otherwise, Speeder will think you are adding an argument due to the hyphen/negative sign.)
If you aren't familiar with the terms "yaw" and "pitch," yaw is simply the rotation of the camera along the X and Z axes. Usually a degrees value of 0 means the camera is facing north, and a value of 180 means the camera is facing south. Pitch is the rotation of the camera along the Y axis, where 0 usually means the camera is perfectly level with the ground, and 90 means you are staring down at your character from above.
The -s argument controls how fast you will teleport forward. I would just start with 1 and increase it to the desired speed.
If supplied, the -t argument can be used for testing purposes: Speeder will not teleport you but instead display the intended teleport coordinates. Use this to ensure your character is moving in the correct direction and to the correct location.
For an example of this command, please see the example scripts or check out the DragonNest free script in the Marketplace (it uses normalized vectors).
The "caw" command can be used to check whether the game is the active window:
- caw or !caw
Arguments: N/A
Description: If the attached process is the active window, the rest of the keys line will process. The inverse is possible with !caw. Often, you will want to prevent a script from activating when the game is not the active window.
Example: !caw|to -self
This example will toggle the script off if the game is not the active window.
These changes and additions require Speeder version 13+.