Marketplace Guide

Table of Contents

§ What Is the Marketplace?
§ How Do I See All the Scripts Available?
§ How Do I Buy a Script?
§ How Do I Sell a Script?
§ How Do I Review a Script?
§ What Are the Rules?
§ Supported Games

What Is the Marketplace?

Almost every Speeder comes with a Launcher, and within Launcher, you will find the "Marketplace." The Marketplace is where you can purchase and/or download scripts written by other Speeder users for the game you've selected. "Scripts," here, refer to macro files, waymark files, or other text files that may be relevant to the game you've selected. For example, along with macros and waymarks, Throne and Liberty has a file dedicated to auto-blocking that can be sold on the Marketplace. You can even sell unencrypted config files.

Please note that all games come with example scripts, which do not need to be purchased. Marketplace scripts are meant to be advanced scripts created for specific builds or situations. You do not need to purchase any Marketplace scripts for Speeder to work with its listed features. They are here for your convenience and nothing more.

How Do I See All the Scripts Available?

Open Launcher, make sure the appropriate game is selected, click on the Marketplace button, and click on "Show All Scripts." This will populate the list control with all scripts available for the game you've selected. You can sort the scripts by clicking on the column headers. The columns are fairly self-explanatory, except for "Likes," which is the number of positive reviews a script has received. Only Speeder users who own a license key to a script can review it, so it is a good measure of how popular and/or well-liked the script is. Free scripts can be reviewed by anyone, however. To see the full text of all the reviews, click on the script, and then click the All Script Reviews button. This will show all the reviews for the selected script. You can also click the All Seller Reviews button to see all the reviews people have left for the seller who is selling the script you've selected (i.e., you will see reviews for ALL the scripts the seller is selling, not just the one selected).

When you find a script you might be interested in, click on the script, and then click on the Examine Script button. This will provide you with the full description, price, and contact information for the script.

How Do I Buy a Script?

Open Launcher, make sure the appropriate game is selected, click on the Marketplace button, and click on "Show All Scripts." This will populate the list control with all scripts available for the game you've selected. You can sort the scripts by clicking on the column headers. When you find one you might be interested in, click on the script, and then click on the Examine Script button. This will provide you with the full description, price, and contact information for the script.

If you are interested in purchasing the script, follow the directions in the contact or price field. (Payment options are completely up to the seller.)

Once you have paid, the seller will send you a license key. Simply click the Register License button, input your license, and you will now have access to the script. From this point onward, you can click the Show Your Scripts (Bought) button, and your newly purchased script will show up.

To download and use it, select the script, and then click the Download Script button. In general, scripts should be downloaded into the same folder as config.txt. If you are downloading a macro file, the file extension should be .ini (e.g., macros.ini), and you will want to change your config.txt to point to the newly downloaded file. Waymark files should also have the .ini extension. Other files will generally have a .txt extension. If the script contains two files, you should download both into config.txt, and the seller will let you know which is which.

Free scripts are, of course, free and do not require a license key. You can download and review them immediately.

How Do I Sell a Script?

Open Launcher, make sure the appropriate game is selected, click on the Marketplace button, and click on Sell New Script.

"Description" is where you will describe what the script is for. Please note the first few words are displayed prominently to all users whenever they click the Show All Scripts button, so it is important to convey as much information as possible in the first sentence or clause.

"Contact" is where you will tell people how to message you. You can include your email address, Discord username, etc.

"Script" is where you paste the actual script text. Please note your script text will be encrypted and never seen by anyone other than yourself.

"Script 2" is optional and allows you to package two files under a single license. This allows you to sell a macro/waymark combo package. Please note that when a buyer downloads your script(s), "Script" is always downloaded first and then "Script 2," so be sure to let the buyer know which is which (i.e., which is the macro file and which is the waymark file).

"Price" is where you will tell people how much you are charging and, potentially, how to pay you. You could, for example, input a PayPal donation link. Please note the first few characters of the Price field are displayed prominently, so you should always write the price first and then payment instructions (if needed).

The "Do Not Encrypt Script" checkbox allows you to sell unencrypted scripts. If you enable this checkbox, the buyer will have full access to the script text.

Finally, the "FREE Script" checkbox allows you to list a script for a free. Free scripts can be downloaded and reviewed by anyone. Importantly, free scripts require the "Do Not Encrypt Script" checkbox to be checked (i.e., free scripts must be unencrypted).

When you are ready to sell, click the Upload button, and you're all set! You can now click the Show Your Scripts (Selling) button to see the newly uploaded script. If you have made mistakes or need to edit the script, simply click on the script, and then click the Edit Script button. When you have finished editing, click the Upload button again.

If someone is interested in buying your script, wait for payment, click on the relevant script, and then click the Create New License button. A new license for that script will be copied to your clipboard. (If you lose the license, click the Show Licenses button.) Simply send the license key to the buyer, and that's it! All the buyer has to do is click Register License and input the license key you've given them. I recommend providing some instruction on how to use the script, preferably in the script's description.

If you need to revoke someone's license for some reason, you can do so by clicking on the script, clicking on the Show Licenses button, clicking on the relevant license, and then clicking the Revoke License button.

How Do I Review a Script?

Reviewing scripts is important to maintaining the integrity of the Marketplace. Only buyers with a license to a script can review it. Therefore, only buyers who have actually used (or tried to use) the script can review it. To review a script you have purchased, click on the script, and click the Leave Review button. In the "Review" field, you can write up to 500 characters. (Note that newline characters are converted to spaces when displayed to other users to avoid other reviews getting pushed down.) If you like the script, make sure to click the Positive Review checkbox. This increases the number of "Likes" for the script and lets other Speeder users know that the script is worth using. When you are done, click the Submit Review button.

If you have made a mistake or would like to edit your review, simply click on the script again, and click the Leave Review button again. You can delete your review entirely with the Delete Review button.

What Are the Rules?

There's really only one rule, which is "don't scam people." Anyone caught scamming will be banned from the marketplace entirely. You will no longer be able to sell, buy, or even see the scripts available. Please note I keep logs of everything, so do not try to scam people by posting fake scripts and then deleting them.

"Scripts" that have nothing to do with the associated game will potentially result in a ban depending on the egregiousness of the offense.

Supported Games

All Speeder games support unencrypted scripts. Most support encrypted scripts, but not all. The games supporting encryption are:

  • Black Desert Online
  • New World
  • Lost Ark
  • Throne and Liberty
  • Path of Exile (1 & 2)
  • Albion Online
  • Diablo IV
  • Wuthering Waves
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Elder Scrolls Online

If you'd like me to add a game to the list, just ask, and I will add it. I am working on FFXIV and will add it soon.

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