Last Epoch Cheat Features
- Movement speed hack
- Small attack speed hack (~10%)
- Item vacuum (teleports all items in the entire zone on top of your character for easy looting)
- Mob vacuum
- Max zoom distance hack
- Macro/scripting features:
- Auto-target mobs/loot/etc.
- Auto-attack mobs on mouseover
- Activate abilities based on number of mobs near your character/cursor
- Auto-potion if below specified HP % or exact number
- Check current HP/MP
- Check distance to target
- Check cooldown timers and auto-activate them when ready
- Check number of minions and resummon if needed
- Search for entities by name and react accordingly
- See a list of every entity & item in the zone
- Auto-click loot
- Check for pixels
- More to come
- Waymark/botting features:
- Record and automatically move your character along waymark routes
- Check for nearby mobs and attack accordingly
- Check for nearby loot and collect
- All macro features listed above
Last Epoch Speeder Requirements
- Version: ONLINE version of Last Epoch
- All Last Epoch Speeder features are designed for the ONLINE version of Last Epoch.
- OS: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
- CPU: Any
Last Epoch Speeder Security
- At this time, there is no anticheat, so there is not much to worry about. If needed, the hack can be redesigned to bypass any anticheat (as I've done with other Speeders).
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Last Epoch Recent Posts
- Last Epoch Entity List ImprovementThe addresses and efficiency for reading the entity list has been improved. This requires updating Speeder to version 26. ... You are currently not logged in. If you already logged in, please refresh the page. Login
- Last Epoch New Loot Targeting CommandsThe following script commands have been added: "cnl % [name],[number],[max distance]" — If there are "number" of loot items with a name matching "name" (case sensitive) within "max distance" of your character, the rest of the keys line will process. The i... You are currently not logged in. If you already logged in, please refresh… Read more: Last Epoch New Loot Targeting Commands
- Last Epoch Entity List FixFunctionality related to reading mob data has been restored. You can now check for nearby mobs, target nearby mobs, check for minions, etc. Sorry it took so long to fix. This fix requires updating Speeder to version 24. ... You are currently not logged in. If you already logged in, please refresh the page. Login
- Last Epoch Entity List FixMost functionality has been restored with regard to reading mob data. You can once again check for nearby mobs, target the closest mob, etc. I have not found entity names yet, so mob filters will not work currently. This fix requires updating Speeder to ve... You are currently not logged in. If you already logged… Read more: Last Epoch Entity List Fix
- Last Epoch Item Vacuum FilterThe following lines have been added to config.txt: Line 21) Items you would like Speeder to ignore when vacuuming items. Partial string matches will work (i.e., you don't have to type in the full name). Separate each item name with the "|" character, such... You are currently not logged in. If you already logged in,… Read more: Last Epoch Item Vacuum Filter
Additional Last Epoch Cheat Info
The Last Epoch Speeder comes after the Diablo IV Speeder, which was my first real attempt at making an almost fully macro-oriented Speeder. I'm pretty happy with how far the scripting language has come and also with how efficient it is. As with the Diablo IV Speeder, you will be able to program your abilities to fire at precisely the right moment, whether it be above a specific MP percentage, when a specific number of mobs are near, or simply when the cooldown is available. I will be adding new commands as I find addresses for things, so keep an eye out at the listed features.
Unlike the Diablo IV Speeder, there is an actual movement speed hack, which is quite nice. You'll be able to move ~20% faster than you would otherwise. This works on top of any buffs or gear you might have.
Because Last Epoch does not have an anticheat, I have more freedom with what I can add to the program.