Guild Wars 2 Cheats, Hacks, & Bots

guild wars 2 cheats, hacks, and bots

Guild Wars 2 Cheat Features

  • Major movement speed hack (+50% and higher)
  • Teleportation (to coordinates, to target, behind target, to waymarks, etc.)
  • Auto-heal
  • Zoom/field of view hack
  • Macro features:
    • Easily check your hotbar for available skills
    • Automate your entire combat rotation (template macro provided)
    • Check HP and heal when needed
    • Teleport behind target for back attacks
    • Read pixels and react accordingly
    • Move the cursor and press keys
    • Freeze position
    • Toggle hacks on/off
    • Real, hardware-based input (i.e., not simulated)
    • More to come
  • Waymark features:
    • Record paths
    • Teleport along recorded paths
    • Activate keys or commands at each waymark
    • More to come

Guild Wars 2 Speeder Requirements

  • Game region: Any
  • OS: Windows 10, 11
  • CPU: Any

Guild Wars 2 Speeder Security

  • Individualized, unique driver emailed to you within five minutes of purchase.
  • Individualized, packed, virtualized, and mutated version of the Guild Wars 2 cheat emailed to you within five minutes of purchase.
  • Ability to inject and hide the hack within any process on your computer, making it impossible to find.
  • No simulated or suspicious input. All keypress and mouse movements will appear as if they come from a real keyboard and mouse installed on your computer.
  • No GUI or suspicious strings.
  • The Guild Wars 2 cheat comes with a readme that explains how to configure it and safety instructions to ensure your usage of the hack is as secure as possible.

Purchase Guild Wars 2 Speeder

Guild Wars 2 Recent Posts

  • Guild Wars 2 Address Update
    Addresses have been updated for the small bug fix patch. No Speeder update is necessary. ... You are currently not logged in and cannot view download links. If you already logged in, refresh the page. Login
  • Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds Address Update
    Addresses have been updated for the Janthir Wilds update. No Speeder update is necessary. ... You are currently not logged in and cannot view download links. If you already logged in, refresh the page. Login
  • Guild Wars 2 Teleport Behind Target, Auto-Heal, & Targeting Commands
    The following script commands have been added: "tt[distance]" — Teleports your character to your current target. If distance is 0, you will be teleported directly on top of your target. If distance is a positive number, you will be teleported in front of ... You are currently not logged in and cannot view download links.… Read more: Guild Wars 2 Teleport Behind Target, Auto-Heal, & Targeting Commands
  • Guild Wars 2 Address Update
    Addresses have been updated for the current version of Guild Wars 2. ... You are currently not logged in and cannot view download links. If you already logged in, refresh the page. Login

Additional Guild Wars 2 Cheat Information

The Guild Wars 2 Speeder comes with nice movement speed and teleport hacks. Most of the combat is server-controlled, so you will not see any major attack speed hacks. That said, Speeder can read data related to your hotbar, such as your cooldown timers and ability IDs, and automate your combat rotation pretty easily. A template macro is provided to show you how this is done.

The Guild Wars 2 Speeder can also be used as a botting tool. With waymark functionality, you can move along recorded paths, move the cursor and press keys at designed waymarks, and much more.

Enjoy, and have fun!

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