PSO2: New Genesis -download Fix
-download command will now work correctly. This requires updating Speeder. Download ... You are currently not logged in. If you […]
Posts related to the PSO2: New Genesis cheat, hack, & botting tool, PSO2 Speeder
-download command will now work correctly. This requires updating Speeder. Download ... You are currently not logged in. If you […]
Addresses have been updated on the server. No Speeder update is necessary. If you do not have a Speeder yet,
Small update to allow AHK keys to register with Speeder's keybinds. Download ... You are currently not logged in. If
Infinite PP should no longer adversely affect the attack/movement speed hack, nor should it cause crashing. Updating Speeder is necessary
New setting added to config: 6) If 1, you will have infinite PP. This will require an update of Speeder
Animation cancel should work better on all classes. I've noticed the attack/animation speed hack manifests more as a movement speed
The PSO2: New Genesis Speeder has the usual cheats: movement speed, attack speed, animation canceling, and teleporting (soon). As you