New World Console Added to .dll & Login Bug Fix
As I’ve done in a few other Speeders (Albion, PSO, BDO), I’ve added a console window to the .dll version […]
Posts related to the New World cheat, hack, & botting tool, NW Speeder
As I’ve done in a few other Speeders (Albion, PSO, BDO), I’ve added a console window to the .dll version […]
Addresses have been updated for patch 4.0.2. No Speeder update is necessary. ... You are currently not logged in. If
Speeder will no longer attempt to target any players below 0.1% HP. If this doesn't work for some reason, let
The following new macro/waymark command has been added: “tpt*” — Speeder will target the last entity you locked on to
An issue where Speeder could aim erroneously after an entity has died has been fixed. Furthermore, Speeder will aim at
Line 98 in config.txt has been modified to allow you to set a minimum distance for height adjustment: Line 98)
Addresses have been updated for the small patch. No Speeder update is necessary. ... You are currently not logged in.
Speeder will force exit any running macro threads whenever your macro file is reloaded. Macros exited in this manner will
Corrected the calculation of the y-axis angle so that it is not adversely affected by height differences. The following line
Addresses have been updated for the recent patch. A Speeder update to version 148 is required to fix aiming assist.