Final Fantasy XIV Damage Hack Improvement & /adjustpos Command
Damage hack has been improved and should avoid disconnections altogether. Some packets may be skipped, which will slightly lower the […]
Posts related to the Final Fantasy XIV cheat, hack, & botting tool, FFXIV Speeder
Damage hack has been improved and should avoid disconnections altogether. Some packets may be skipped, which will slightly lower the […]
If using the skill/spell speed hack, Speeder will adjust GCD & cast time while Astrodyne (Harmony of Body) is active.
New setting: Casting Movement Hack Packet Mode —If ON, packets sent to the server will be modified to make it
I believe the disconnects are related to the compression increasing the packet size beyond its original size (when adjustments are
All packet hacks are working once more (damage hack, use packet data for fast cast, casting movement hack). Please note
New setting: Free Camera — If ON, the camera can clip through everything. "Speeder Controls Camera" must be ON as
The overhead marks (stack marker, divebomb marker, etc.) will now show up in the Battle Log again. Speeder will use
I have redesigned Casting Movement Hack to no longer require hacking packet data. It will now work by freezing your
[Housing] /hfp — Toggles the checkbox for Hack Furniture Placement ON/OFF. /hfpo — Toggles the checkbox for hacking outdoor furniture
Damage Hack Correction will now alter the hp of targets affected by the damage hack to match the amount of