Final Fantasy XIV Battle Log Fix, Echo Message/Text Command Fix
Battle Log will no longer cause a crash if weird objects exist in memory. Echo message text commands ceased working […]
Posts related to the Final Fantasy XIV cheat, hack, & botting tool, FFXIV Speeder
Battle Log will no longer cause a crash if weird objects exist in memory. Echo message text commands ceased working […]
Small delays have been added to log out/log in features to ensure correct keypresses. Damage Hack, Use Packet Data for
The Stop All Timers button should now exit Auto Set Price, Auto Venture, etc. when clicked. It may take a
Stacks should now be listed correctly from retainer inventories. Check nearby players will operate differently depending on whether you are
The Reload button will now also interrupt the active ASP, Venture, etc. thread and then reload the program. When a
Stop All Timers will now interrupt the current thread related to Auto Set Price, Auto Venture, etc. This mean you
The "Not opening adjust window . . ." error message should now result in Speeder moving to the next item.
New setting under CHARACTER HACKS: Auto-Stun Range: How far a player can be from you for Speeder to attempt to
As before, in the AutoHotkey days, Overlayer will display players and mobs targeting you. New settings under GENERAL: Overlayer Target
Price List will be read as soon as you click List Items from All Retainers. This should fix total quantity