Final Fantasy XIV New Target Lowest HP Enemy Player Command
The following script command has been added: "get % eplalhp[*][distance]" — Exactly the same as "get % plalhp" above but […]
Posts related to the Final Fantasy XIV cheat, hack, & botting tool, FFXIV Speeder
The following script command has been added: "get % eplalhp[*][distance]" — Exactly the same as "get % plalhp" above but […]
Speeder can now display nearby entities on the game screen. Simply click the new Load ESP button, make FFXIV the
The following script command has been added: "itp*" — If you are currently targeting a player not in your party,
Auto Set Price (All Characters) should now work properly with the Oceania region. The correct region number is 4. A
The "get % target" command now includes global variables for target circle radius and distance (both with and without target
The following script commands have been added: "tatt[distance],[ability ID]" — If your current target is within "distance" of your character
The following script commands have been added: "cnm[number of mobs],[distance]" — If there are at least "number of mobs" within
The "Auto-Accept Duty" function has been fixed. Additional checks have been added to the Auto-Extract function to ensure the cursor
The Casting Movement Hack keybind will now update your position immediately upon disabling the hack. This allows you to dodge
Moving the mouse while the game is the active window should no longer cause the pointer to disappear. This fix