Final Fantasy XIV Indoor Housing Hack Fixed
The Hack Furniture Placement checkbox should now work on indoor furniture. Buy Items / Check Prices should type the item […]
Posts related to the Final Fantasy XIV cheat, hack, & botting tool, FFXIV Speeder
The Hack Furniture Placement checkbox should now work on indoor furniture. Buy Items / Check Prices should type the item […]
/i2r* & /r2i* can now be used to deposit specific quantities: /i2r* — Deposits inventory to retainers using the criteria
New GENERAL setting: Movement Closes Windows — If ON, if your character's position changes, any open windows will be closed.
Functions related to party members and friends should now work. The determination of whether a mob is present or not
ASP/AV All Chars has been fixed. There are some changes you will need to make due to the new GUI:
ASP/AV All Char will now work for characters in the same datacenter. You cannot switch from one datacenter to another
I've tested market board features & most character hacks. Confirmed that listing from retainer & inventory is working; auto set
New MARKETBOARD setting: Use Current Ave. Price (Universalis) — If ON, the average price for a particular item will be
New MARKETBOARD setting: Movement Does Not Cancel ASP — If ON, the timer for auto set price will not be
Sort should now work correctly and will save your choice (ascending/descending/none) to settings. New Price List buttons: SORT — Sorts