Final Fantasy XIV Teleport Behind Target Keybind
New Character Hacks Keybind: Teleport Behind Target — Constantly updates your position so that you are behind your current target […]
Posts related to the Final Fantasy XIV cheat, hack, & botting tool, FFXIV Speeder
New Character Hacks Keybind: Teleport Behind Target — Constantly updates your position so that you are behind your current target […]
I discovered a potential crash relating to the ability delay blacklist feature regardless of whether you were using it or
The target of abilities was being displayed as an ID instead of a name. This has been fixed. This requires
If Durability Under Which to Warn is <= 0, Speeder will never check equipment durability and/or activate the repair macro.
An issue where if you started ASP/AV All Chars on a character in the list, the region number for that
The safeguard I had in place to prevent anti-knockback from getting stuck was not working. It has been fixed and
/autoventureall — Performs the same function as Auto Venture (All Characters), as if you had clicked the START button. You
Important: The region numbers have shifted by 1. Oceania, at least on the NA client, is now 1, NA is
I don't know how long this has been broken because no one mentioned it, but I just noticed that this
It is now possible to ignore items in your Buy List. I have changed the way Speeder forces an update