Final Fantasy XIV /antikb Chat Command
The following chat command has been added: /antikb — Toggles anti-knockback ON/OFF. This requires updating Speeder to the newest version. […]
Posts related to the Final Fantasy XIV cheat, hack, & botting tool, FFXIV Speeder
The following chat command has been added: /antikb — Toggles anti-knockback ON/OFF. This requires updating Speeder to the newest version. […]
New setting has been added: Retrieve Listings After Withdraw Gil — If ON, all retainer listings will be retrieved after
I've added a sort of failsafe to ensure the hack will activate. New keybind under Character Hacks:Catch Fish — Immediately
Account for PvP Status Effects setting has been changed to Status Effect Movement Hack Blacklist: Status Effect Movement Hack Blacklist
If an item receives the "TOO LOW" message or is skipped due to your settings, Speeder will skip over that
If Service Account number is greater than 0 or not blank, Speeder will assume you need to choose a service
/presskey2 # — Will press the key corresponding to the virtual key code "#." Virtual key codes can be found
New character hacks keybind: Lock Character Position (Server) — Toggles on/off whether your position is frozen on the server. If
The Battle Log can now automatically use abilities & macros when a trigger activates. This can be used for auto-stun/auto-silence,
Auto-Stun is now a button and has greater customization. You can set specific abilities for specific jobs, and you can