[CN] Ignored Items QoL, /presskey Additions New Debug Setting,
A button has been added to the Price List window that will toggle the list control to display all items […]
Posts related to the CN version of the Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) cheat, hack, & botting tool, FFXIV Speeder
A button has been added to the Price List window that will toggle the list control to display all items […]
Fishing Delay Hack should now work. Render Only Friends should work.* ASP All Characters should now work after List Retainer
Auto-Repair will now utilize the "Durability Macro to Activate" setting, so make sure to set this to the Chinese command
New Price List field: Ignore Item — If YES, the item will be skipped for Auto Set Price. To toggle
New Price List field: Ignore Item — If YES, the item will be skipped for Auto Set Price. To toggle