Diablo IV Player Targeting Fix & -status Improvement
The "tcp*" (target closest enemy player) should now correctly recognize when an enemy is targeted. The "-target" console command should […]
Posts related to the Diablo IV cheat, hack, & botting tool, Diablo Speeder
The "tcp*" (target closest enemy player) should now correctly recognize when an enemy is targeted. The "-target" console command should […]
It is now possible to detect status effects that do not appear on the HUD, such as some forms of
It is now possible to call functions from within your macros or waymarks. This is mainly a QoL feature that
Addresses have been updated for the recent patch. No Speeder update is necessary. You are currently not logged in. If
It is now possible to check the ID of your current attack with the "aid" command: “aid[attack ID]” — If
I believe I have found a much better address for mob status effects. Status effects such as stun are now
The following new console command has been added: -dumps [filename] — All currently active status effects (on you) will be
Addresses have been updated for the recent patch. No Speeder update is necessary. There is an issue with the potion
It is now possible to target and click on nearby loot. You can also distinguish between different objects (e.g., search
It is now possible to check the status of a mob, including vulnerability, poisoned status, and probably many more. It