Albion Online Topmost Window & Player HP Fix
The following console command has been added: -top — Makes the console window the topmost window, allowing you to have […]
Posts related to the Albion Online cheat, hack, and botting tool, Albion Speeder
The following console command has been added: -top — Makes the console window the topmost window, allowing you to have […]
The HP of all players in memory can now be utilized/displayed by Speeder. Line 39 will display the current HP,
Addresses have been updated for the small patch. No Speeder update is necessary. ... You are currently not logged in.
Addresses have been updated for the recent patch. For all features except cooldown detection, no Speeder update is necessary. Otherwise,
Addresses have been updated for the small patch. No Speeder update is necessary. ... You are currently not logged in.
The following console commands have been added: -displaycd — The IDs for any cooldowns you use will be displayed in
The movement speed hack has been fixed. It no longer requires editing read-only memory and should be as safe as
Addresses have been updated for the recent patch. No Speeder update is necessary. ... You are currently not logged in.
The problem with the console not displaying text with the .dll has been resolved. The "-calibrate" command will now take into
An issue where the keys to activate macros were not working has been resolved. This requires updating Speeder to version