Albion Online New Movement Speed Command
The following command has been added: "ms[movement speed]" — Your movement speed will be increased by "movement speed," with 1.01 […]
Posts related to the Albion Online cheat, hack, and botting tool, Albion Speeder
The following command has been added: "ms[movement speed]" — Your movement speed will be increased by "movement speed," with 1.01 […]
An ESP has been added to the Albion Online Speeder. Currently, this displays the HP value of all players in
An issue where the final config line was not being read has been fixed. The movement speed hack will now
You can now assign a key to toggle line 37 (player detection) on/off. This is done via line 45 in
Command line commands activated via line 37 in config.txt or the "cmd %" script command will no longer create a
Players should no longer be missing from the radar. The following script command has been added: "mp[mana percent]" — If
The console window has been updated to reflect recent changes in other Speeders that allow me to protect/encrypt all text
Macros should now exit more gracefully when the macro file is reloaded. Speeder should no longer complain about the camera
An issue where players on the radar would not be properly erased has been resolved. This fix requires Speeder version
Addresses have been updated for the recent patch. No Speeder update is necessary. ... You are currently not logged in.