Someone wanted to be able to teleport to the waymark if their character ended up stuck, so I've devised the following method. The current or next waymark's (depending on if you are running to the next one or not) position will be saved in the following global variables: WX, WY, and WZ. Combined with the "mt" and "riw" command, these can be used to teleport to the waymark if you are stuck. The code isn't too hard:
keys=riw-|mt(VAR % WX),(VAR % WY),(VAR % WZ)|riw+
You can use that in your [unstick] section, and it will teleport you to the waymark you are running to if you get stuck. I tested it, and it works fine. As always, teleport speed can be adjusted in config.txt.
This addition requires Speeder version 269+.