Black Desert Online New Attack Speed Hack

The following lines have been added to config.txt:

  • Line 116) A list of animation IDs whose speeds you would like increased (see line 117), each separated by the "|" character. Example:
    Animation IDs can be retrieved automatically with the -recordani3 console command. Use -recordani3 c 1.2, use the attacks you'd like increased, use -recordani3 to stop recording, and then paste the recorded information onto this line. Line 117 will also be populated with the speed you've chosen.
    • Due to the way this hack works, you cannot readjust speeds once they have been adjusted. You will need to restart the game to reset everything. However, the potential advantage to this is that you can actually close Speeder once you have made your adjustments.
  • Line 117) A list of speeds for the animations in line 116, each separated by the "|" character and corresponding to the order of the IDs in line 116. The speeds are percentage-based, with 1.1 equal to a 10% boost, 1.2 equal to a 20% boost, and so on. Example:

The hack is completely new and does not really correlate to any of the other speed hacks (in terms of how it works). One of the nice things about it is that you can close Speeder completely after the adjustments are made.

These changes require updating Speeder to version 220.

speeder Computer Programmer
I develop undetected cheats, hacks, and bots for online games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Throne and Liberty, Black Desert Online, Lost Ark, Path of Exile, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, PSO2: New Genesis, Diablo IV, Fortnite, and others.
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