Slide Hack Greatly Improved & Attack Animation Speed Settings

The Slide Hack now works 100% of the time in GamezBD & PrimeBD. You will see your animation freeze in the running animation and retain your hacked speed. Some classes (Nova) may require you to press A or D first before pressing W. I will work on making this more user friendly for these classes. PrimeBD will occasionally give you an error message if you are out of combat and stop moving, freezing you for a moment. For whatever reason, this error message does not appear if you have your weapon drawn, so keep that in mind.

Two new settings have been added to Settings.ini:

disable attack animation speed hack with right mouse=0

disable attack animation speed hack with shift+wasd=0

#0 is false. 1 is true. Please note these are for the attack animation speed hack and not the generic animation speed hack.

#These settings exist so that certain dash abilities will not be adversely affected by the hack.


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