DreamBDO Support & New Settings

DreamBDO will now work with the appropriate Speeder.

New settings:

  • number of times to attempt roar before resorting to backup=5
    # If roar fails to start after this many attempts, Speeder will use backup roar key(s) instead.
  • number of times to attempt roar before stopping=10
    # If roar fails to start after this many attempts, Speeder will disable it and send a POST webhook message to "auto-roar webhook url"
  • this virtual key code activates backup roar=81
    # Speeder will use this key instead if auto-roar fails a specified number of times.
    # You may use multiple keys by separating them with "|".
  • use injected keys=0
    # Normally, Speeder uses the game's memory to activate keys. If this is set to 1, Speeder will use injected keystrokes instead (for auto-roar).
    # This may work better for some people.


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