Black Desert Online Target Enemy Players, Activate Windows Commands, Animation Names

The following macro/waymark commands have been adjusted:

  • “tcp[distance]” — Same as “tcm,” but Speeder will target the closest enemy player. Enemy players must be targeted manually at least once (i.e., the crosshair must turn red) before Speeder can recognize them as enemies. See line 109 in config.txt to target all players.
  • “tpp[distance]” — Same as “tpm,” but Speeder will target the previous enemy player.
  • “lt+[max distance],[mob],[enemy player]” — Locks on to the target closest to the crosshair as long as it is no farther than “max distance.” Max distance can be omitted, in which case, distance will be ignored. “mob” should be 1 if you want Speeder to target mobs or 0 if not. “enemy player” should be 1 if you want Speeder to target enemy players or 0 if not. Enemy players must be manually targeted at least once (i.e., the crosshair must turn red) before Speeder can recognize them as enemies. See line 109 in config.txt to target all players. Omitting “mob” and “enemy player” will default to mobs only. Setting “mob” and “enemy player” both to 0 will tell Speeder to target your current in game target. Be sure to call lt- after using this command, or your camera will remain stuck indefinitely. 

The following macro/waymark commands have been added:

  • “ani % [animation name]” — If the name of your current animation matches “animation name,” the rest of the keys will process. This command is very similar to the “ani” command (without the percent sign) above but checks for the name of the animation rather than the ID. Use -displayani to see the name of all your animations. You must attack at least once before the name will display correctly.
  • “roar[-]” — Enables or disables auto-roar, as if you had pressed the auto-roar key. “roar” will enable it. “roar-” will disable it.
  • “cmd % [command line command]” — Speeder will activate “command line command” as if you had typed the command into the Windows console (i.e., cmd.exe). Example:
    • [113]
      keys=cmd % “C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc” –qt-start-minimized –play-and-exit C:\soundfile.mp3
    • Press F2, and Speeder will play the sound file soundfile.mp3 in the background (i.e., BDO will not lose focus). You must have VLC installed for this particular command to work.

These changes require updating Speeder to version 174. The latest version can be found by clicking the MEGA Folder button in Launcher.

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speeder Computer Programmer
I develop undetected cheats, hacks, and bots for online games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Throne and Liberty, Black Desert Online, Lost Ark, Path of Exile, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, PSO2: New Genesis, Diablo IV, Fortnite, and others.
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