Black Desert Online New Animation Speed Hacks

The following macro/waymark commands have been added:

  • "fa[timer]" — Your current animation's duration will be frozen at "timer." For example, if I use fa1.0 in a 10-millisecond loop, the game will think all my animations have already progressed to the 1-second mark as soon as they activate. If you use an attack where damage registers before the 1-second mark, you will be able to spam the attack nonstop. This hack is extremely effective and, thus, probably quite dangerous. On many classes, using fa1.5 will allow you to spam your basic attack very, very quickly. Detection-wise, the upside is that this does not actually modify your attack or animation speed in any way. However, I believe that PA checks the time between certain damage packets, so if you are using this to spam attacks, you may end up flagged. Example:
    • [113]
      endkeys=dbg % stopping
    • A safer way to use this hack would be to apply it only to specific animations using the "ani" command. For example, you might freeze the animation timer of primary and secondary combo attacks so that you can perform the tertiary attack more quickly.
  • "ea[timer]" — Your current animation's max duration will be extended to "timer." For example, ea5.0 will extend the max duration of the current animation to 5 seconds. This is particularly useful with dashes and can cause some interesting glitches, like being stuck in the dash animation indefinitely, allowing you to move extremely quickly. However, I imagine this is quite easy to detect on official servers, so I would not recommend doing that. There may be other abilities that benefit from this hack in less detectable ways.

These additions require updating Speeder to version 204.

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speeder Computer Programmer
I develop undetected cheats, hacks, and bots for online games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Throne and Liberty, Black Desert Online, Lost Ark, Path of Exile, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, PSO2: New Genesis, Diablo IV, Fortnite, and others.
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