Black Desert Online Movement Speed Improvements & New Targeting/Movement Commands

I found the base movement speeds for all animations, which greatly enhances the efficacy and safety of the movement speed hack. Animations no longer need to be canceled for the hack to work, and it seems to bypass all private server movement speed checks I've tried. I've updated the relevant config.txt lines in the guide:

  • 26) How quickly you want your character and/or ship to move when the movement speed hack is enabled. There are two ways to use this setting. If you include a decimal point (recommended), Speeder will multiply your unhacked speed by this number. For example, 1.1 will increase your movement speed by 10%. If you do not include a decimal point, your speed will be set exactly to that number (i.e. a static number). ~750 is normal run speed. I recommend using a percentage increase (i.e., using a decimal) because you will maintain the speed differences among abilities and animations. You must press whatever key you have set on line 37 to enable the hack.
  • 37) The virtual key code of the key you want to enable the movement speed hack. Once you enable it, Speeder will use the values on lines 26 and 27 to alter your base movement speed for any animations you perform. When a speed is changed or read for the first time, Speeder will save the original value so that when you disable the hack, your speeds can be returned to normal. However, Speeder does not know if the addresses for all the speeds are still valid. Thus, after disabling the movement speed hack, you must perform the animation(s) again before its speed will be returned to normal. Please make sure to read the [Safety] guidelines. Example usage:
    • Set this line to 121, and set line 26 to 1.1. Press F10, and your movement speed will be increased by 10%.

I still don't recommend using the movement speed hack on retail. It is about as safe as it can get now, but the server can always calculate your real speed and potentially detect you.

The following macro/waymark commands have been added:

  • "cnm % [number],[distance],[model],[size]" — If there are "number" of mobs with model names of "model" and sizes of "size" within a distance of "distance," the rest of the keys line will process. You may omit "size" if you don't care. Example:
    • keys=cnm % 1,100,m0016_01.pab|dbg % there is at least one mob with a model of m0016_01.pab within 100 distance.
  • "mtm % [model],[size],[distance],[angle],[how far]" — Speeder will move your character toward the closest mob with a model of "model." All parameters are optional, including model. If you omit "model," Speeder will simply move you toward the closest mob. "Size" can be set to 0 for any size, or it can be set to the specific size of the model you want. "Distance" is how distant mobs can be before Speeder will stop considering them and can be set to 0 for any distance. "Angle" can be 0 to run directly at the mob or an offset in radians of how far left or right of the mob you'd like to move. For example, if you use an angle of 0.1. Your character will move slightly left or right of the mob. "How far" is how far you want your character to travel with 0 being the exact distance between your character and the mob. If you were to set "how far" to 2, your character would travel 2 distance beyond the mob. -2 would be -2 distance in front of the mob. If you want to run beyond the mob, be sure to set an angle of 0.1 or greater so that you can successfully run around the mob (instead of trying to run through it). Example:
    • keys=mtm % |dbg % running up to the closest mob
    • keys2=mtm % m0016_01.pab,0,0,0.1,2|dbg % running 2 distance beyond the closest mob with model of m0016_01.pab

These changes require updating Speeder to version 197.

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speeder Computer Programmer
I develop undetected cheats, hacks, and bots for online games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Throne and Liberty, Black Desert Online, Lost Ark, Path of Exile, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, PSO2: New Genesis, Diablo IV, Fortnite, and others.
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