Additional settings have been added to further customize the console window:
- Line 123) Settings for Speeder's "console" when using the .dll version of Speeder. This is the GUI window displaying all output from Speeder. Each setting should be separated with the "|" character. The order of the settings is:
- Console width.
- Console height.
- Console font size.
- Console number of lines (i.e., the amount of text to show).
- Console background color.
- Console font color.
- Console X position.
- Console Y position.
- Console transparency. "1" enables transparency. "0" disables it. Note that a transparent console window cannot be clicked on, so if you want to input text into the console, you must select the window from the taskbar.
- Example:
1000|1600|40|50|0|120000|0|0|0 - These settings are not required. If you do not set them, Speeder will use the default window text and background colors.
Also fixed a few bugs with the console display.
These changes require Speeder version 246.