It is now possible to "jump" the animation timer ahead for specific animations. This is a new speed hack that alters the duration of the animation instead of its velocity. Due to this new approach, it may be even safer than the traditional line 3 attack speed hack. It is also very effective in terms of increasing DPS because it allows you to spam the ends of combos and/or skip less-damaging animations completely.
This new hack is activated by the "sat" macro/waymark command:
- "sat[timer]" — Your current animation's timer will be set to "timer" if and only if its timer is less than "timer." This allows you to trick the game into thinking the animation is closer to completion than it should be and allows you to expedite combos, spam attacks, and skip animations entirely. You can use the -recordani2 console command to have Speeder automatically create a macro for you with this command. Example:
- keys=ani % T_NORMAL_ATTACK_A|sat1.5
You can also activate the new hack with line 115 in config.txt:
- Line 115) A global animation timer and a list of animation IDs to which to apply this timer, with the timer and IDs separated by the "|" character. For example,
would set the animation timer to 1.5 (one-and-a-half seconds) for the animations 2776, 1446, and 286. This tricks the game into thinking these animations have already progressed to the 1.5 second mark as soon as they activate, which can allow you to activate your combos much more quickly and/or spam attacks. Unlike other attack speed hacks, this does NOT alter your speed in any way and simply "bumps" the animation timer up. In this way, it can be quite safe but also quite dangerous if you are abusing it with every animation. Animation IDs can be discerned with the -displayani console command, and you can use the -recordani2 console command to have Speeder automatically fill out this line for you. Ultimately, I would recommend using a macro instead of this line because a macro will allow you to adjust the timers of each animation individually.
As mentioned above, a new console command has been added to assist with the new hack:
- -recordani2 [format] [timer] — Same as "-recordani" but adjusts animation timers rather than speeds. "Format" can be "m" for macro and "c" for config. Type -recordani2 a second time to stop recording and save all text to the clipboard.
- Macro format will create an entire macro for you based on the animations you record and the timer you input. Once you are finished recording, simply open your macro file and paste the recorded macro. Change the "[999]" to the key you want to activate it, or keep it at 999 and auto-load it with line 103 in config.txt. (Write 999 to line 103.)
- Config format will create a list of animations, along with their timer, that can be inserted into line 115 in config.txt. Once you are finished recording, simply paste the line into line 115 of config.txt.
- Macro format has the advantage of running in its own thread, and you can adjust individual timers if desired.
Encrypter has been updated to version 4, and the way scripts are encrypted has been completely changed. I apologize to those who need to update their scripts for the new system, but there was a bug with the old method that could not be easily resolved. This new system should work well and not require any further updates.
If you are currently using an encrypted script, it will NOT work with the newest version of Speeder, so please keep a copy of your current Speeder. If you are planning to encrypt scripts for the future, be sure you are using version 4 of Encrypter.
The Speeder changes require updating Speeder to version 206. The Encrypter changes require updating Encrypter to version 4.