Speeder can now send keys and mouse movements directly from a real keyboard & mouse installed on your computer. In this way, it is impossible for the game & anticheat to distinguish between real, physical keypresses and keys activated by Speeder. This massively increases the security of the program and eliminates almost all detection vectors for macros and most detection vectors for waymarks. You will still need to randomize your keys and movements so that you aren't performing the same exact routines every time.
This change requires updating BOTH Speeder AND your driver. Click Download Files in Launcher, and update them both. I have included warnings in Speeder if your driver is not working with the new method. Speeder will also warn you if you are not using the new method.
Thanks to the relatively new "-cmd" command, you can test out the new method without even running the game. After choosing your region, you can type in:
-cmd s3000|81
After three seconds, you should see the "q" letter pop up.
Assuming you have updated both Speeder and your driver, you actually don't need to do anything for Speeder to use the new method. It will work by default. You don't need to change anything in your macro or waymark files.
The following line has been added to config.txt:
- Line 114) If 1 (default), Speeder will use a keyboard and mouse device installed on your computer to send keystrokes and move the cursor. In this way, there will be no difference between a key you physically press and a key activated by Speeder, bypassing the game's and anticheat's ability to detect the input as simulated. Your driver must be version 6+ for this to work. Speeder will warn you if you disable this line or if your driver is unable to send keystrokes.
If line 114 is not present, it will default to 1.
Speeder must be updated to version 202+, and your driver must be version 6+.