An issue where the final line of the config.txt file was not being read has been fixed.
An issue where certain custom Window OSs were not working with the new macro/waymark changes has been fixed.
It is now possible to adjust config.txt without ever opening the file. My end goal here is to encrypt config.txt, which will allow me to add help text to each line and make it much easier to understand which line does what. Adjusting config.txt from Speeder is achieved with the new -conf command:
- -conf [line number] [line text] — Inserts "line text" into "line number" in config.txt. For example, -conf 3 0.25 would insert 0.25 into line 3, increasing my attack speed by 25%. You can also have spaces and add comments to each line, such as -conf 3 0.25 My Attack Speed. Any text that appears after the line number is what will be inserted into config.txt.
Also, the -settings command will now display the contents of config.txt rather than opening the file. Of course, all this text is immediately erased from memory as soon as it is displayed.
These changes require updating Speeder to version 203 and, if you are having issues with your driver, updating your driver to version 7.