Auto-Roar Webhook & Sound | Y-Correction for Teleport

New settings:

  • auto-roar webhook url=
    # If this setting is not blank, Speeder will sent a POST message to this url containing the following string: PLAYER NEARBY, if auto-roar is enabled and a player is nearby.
    # A player being nearby is determined by the "disable hacks if player nearby" setting.
    # can be used to send yourself an email. Android apps like MacroDroid can be used to receive webhooks and display notifications on your phone.
  • play this file when player is nearby=
    # Set this to the name of the sound file you want to play when a player is nearby. For example: mysoundfile.mp3
    # A player being nearby is determined by the "disable hacks if player nearby" setting.
    # This file should be placed in the App folder.
  • teleport y correction=0
    # How far to teleport your character upward each hop. This can prevent character from getting stuck in the ground.


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