Black Desert Online Radar Added & -gpc Improvement

Speeder can now display nearby mobs and players on a radar. I have updated the default config.txt file with settings for this. As always, you can find the default config here. Here is the guide text for the three new radar settings:

  • Line 119) Settings for the radar. Each setting should be separated with the "|" character, such as 1|2|3|4. The order of the settings is:
    X position|Y position|Width|Height|ID|Total entities displayed|Font size|Background color|Mob color|Player color|Ally player color|Center of radar indicator|Show mobs|Show players|Transparent|Always on top|Distance multiplier|Refresh rate
    • The X & Y positions are where you want the radar to appear on your screen with 0|0 being the top left corner.
    • Width and Height control how large the radar is.
    • ID should be set to any number and simply prevents the creation of multiple radars with the same ID.
    • Total entities is the max number of entities the radar should display.
    • Font size controls the size of the entity names.
    • The four color settings should be decimals referring to the RGB (red, blue, green) values you want. You can use this site to calculate the decimals for you.
    • Center of radar indicator is the text or character you want in the center of the radar. I prefer an asterisk.
    • Show mobs should be 1 to display mobs. Show players should be 1 to display players.
    • Transparent should be 1 to make the radar window transparent.
    • Always on top should be 1 to make the radar the topmost window.
    • Distance multiplier is the number Speeder will multiply an entity's game distance by when determining where to render its name on the radar. For example, a higher distance multiplier will cause the entity's name to appear farther from the center of the radar.
    • Refresh rate is how often (in milliseconds) Speeder should update the radar.
    • If you do not wish to use the radar, simply leave the line blank.
  • Line 120) A list of entity names along with associated RGB color values to be displayed on the radar. These colors take precedence over all other radar colors. This line allows you to highlight specific entities with different colors and/or include entities that do not normally appear on the radar (i.e., entities that are not considered mobs or players). The syntax is as follows: [Entity Name],[Color],[Size]|[Entity Name 2],[Color 2],[Size 2]. To retrieve entity names and sizes, use the -allentities command. You may omit "Size." Example:
    • m0010_pbee,60000
    • In this example, bees will appear green on the radar.
  • Line 121) A list of entity names you would like to replace with your own names. These custom names will be displayed on the radar. Please note that if you replace an entity's name, you should use the new name in line 120. The syntax is as follows: [Original entity name]:[Custom name]|[Original entity name 2]:[Custom name 2]. For example:
    • m0010_pbee:BEE
    • In this example, all entities with the name "m0010_pbee" will show up as "BEE" on the radar.

Speeder will now automatically calculate the multiplier needed for the -gpc command to work correctly. However, I forgot to remove the setting from config.txt, so if you reload your settings file, the calculated value will be overwritten. I will fix this ASAP.

The following script command has been added to assist with differentiating between friendly and enemy players on the radar:

  • "ign[distance]" — All players within "distance" will be considered friendly players and can be displayed differently from other players on the radar. This can be useful in large PvP fights to distinguish your enemies from your allies. If you need to reset the list of friendly players, simply use ign-. Example:
    • keys=ign20|dbg % all players within 20 distance will be considered friendly

Keep in mind you can always activate script commands with the -cmd console command. For "ign" specifically, it can be easier to use -cmd, such as
-cmd ign20

These changes require updating Speeder to version 231.

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speeder Computer Programmer
I develop undetected cheats, hacks, and bots for online games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Throne and Liberty, Black Desert Online, Lost Ark, Path of Exile, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, PSO2: New Genesis, Diablo IV, Fortnite, and others.
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