Example Macros

How to Use

Copy-paste any of the below macros into your macro file (the .ini file in the same folder as config.txt) and change as much of the macro as you can for your own safety. The key to activate each macro is the number in brackets, such as [100] for NUMPAD4. You can find all virtual key codes here: Virtual-Key Codes.


Press F2 to have Speeder automatically adjust your movement speed depending on what your base speed is.
keys=get % MS
keys2=cmp(VAR % MS),10.0|!eq % prevMS,(VAR % MS)|dbg % increasing ms by 50% because my base speed is under 10|ms1.5|gt4
keys3=!eq % prevMS,(VAR % MS)|dbg % increasing ms by 20% because my base speed is over 10|ms1.2
keys4=store % prevMS,(VAR % MS)|s100

Press F3 to freeze your position and teleport yourself into the air. Use tele*0,-1,0 if you would like to teleport underground instead. Use fp* if you only want to freeze your height.

Press F4 to unfreeze your position

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