Lost Ark New Lock Mouse Command
The following new waymark/macro command has been added: “lm[minX],[maxX],[minY],[maxY]” — Your cursor will be locked in a square, never moving […]
Posts related to the Lost Ark cheat, hack, & botting tool, Lost Ark Speeder
The following new waymark/macro command has been added: “lm[minX],[maxX],[minY],[maxY]” — Your cursor will be locked in a square, never moving […]
Addresses have been updated for the Korean client. No Speeder update is necessary. You are currently not logged in and
The following new commands can be used in macros and waymarks: -grid, -grid*, -gridc, -circle, -circle*, -circlec, and -gt The
Addresses have been updated for Korean and Global clients. No Speeder update is necessary. You are currently not logged in
New line added to config.txt: 73) If 0, Speeder will NOT output text to log.txt when using the .dll version
Addresses have been updated for global and Korean regions. No Speeder update is necessary. You are currently not logged in
It is now possible to input commands to the .dll Speeder in a manner similar to the console version. This
The issue where the .dll would crash after using the -e command has been resolved. You can now use line
Speeder will once again reset settings back to normal when closing. This requires updating Speeder to version 45. You are
Addresses have been updated for the Global region. DLL loading has been changed such that you must now type -e