Final Fantasy XIV Teleport to Mouseover Target
I've added a script command and keybind for teleporting to (or behind) your current mouseover target. The script command is: […]
Posts related to the CN version of the Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) cheat, hack, & botting tool, FFXIV Speeder
I've added a script command and keybind for teleporting to (or behind) your current mouseover target. The script command is: […]
The market board setting "Do Not Sell Below Shop Price" has been fixed on the English client. It may work
The following new Character Hacks setting has been added: Anti-Knockback Wait Timer — The number of milliseconds you would like
An issue where the "se" (status effect) script command was not reading the ID of certain status effects correctly has
FFXIV currently has a glitch when switching from a character in the Oceania data center where it is impossible to
An issue where characters would not be selected when switching to a character on the same world has been resolved.
Reading inventory items has been fixed. Reading current retainer's gil has been fixed. Detecting the currently selected world when switching
I'm now packaging the Visual C++ Redistributable with Speeder, so there will be no future conflicts if someone has an
The following setting has been added under General: Login Wait Timer — How to long to wait (in milliseconds) before
The file produced by /checkprices will now contain the server name, like "Check Prices Famfrit JSON.txt." The checks used to