Last Epoch Entity List Improvement
The addresses and efficiency for reading the entity list has been improved. This requires updating Speeder to version 26. ... […]
The addresses and efficiency for reading the entity list has been improved. This requires updating Speeder to version 26. ... […]
The following script commands have been added: "cnl % [name],[number],[max distance]" — If there are "number" of loot items with
Functionality related to reading mob data has been restored. You can now check for nearby mobs, target nearby mobs, check
Most functionality has been restored with regard to reading mob data. You can once again check for nearby mobs, target
The following lines have been added to config.txt: Line 21) Items you would like Speeder to ignore when vacuuming items.
The following macro/waymark command has been added: "pot[potion number]" — If your current potion count is greater than "potion number,"
The "ivac*" (item vacuum) command has been adjusted to vacuum items toward your character while maintaining the angle between your
To accommodate the changes to item pick-up (you must now be physically close to the item to retrieve it), the
You can now create waymark routes with Speeder, which allow complete automation of movement and combat. At each waymark, you
Speeder can now target the closest mob or loot object and/or direct the cursor toward them (i.e. aim toward them).